Brandt's Mille Lacs Southside Update 01/12/2022


Staff member
Brandt's Ice Fishing shares a Mille Lacs Lake update and report.

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***Ice Road Update 01/12/2022***

Today is the day folks! This is the post you’ve all been waiting for! We’ve opened the roads to our 4 and & 5 mile!
We have 15” of ice on average. All vehicles and wheelhouses are allowed at this time, but…


The guys have worked hard on getting these roads open and they are in GREAT shape! We’d like to keep them that way! Please be mindful of the rough ice that can be found around some of the reefs as we don’t want to see anyone getting hurt. It’s a privilege to be out here folks. Respect the ice and others around you. If you are caught abusing your privilege, you will be asked to leave.

Wheelhouses - You should be able to get around with chains and a shovel. We would prefer that over plowing you a spot as it wrecks that area for the rest of the season

Rentals - We have a few available for the weekend yet, so give us a call to “Get your Fish on”! 320-532-3674
