Layback's Update from Their Online Blog


Staff member
@Lyback's Ice Fishing shares their daily Mille Lacs update and fishing report.

Lyback's Ice Fishing Report January 14th,2022

Fishing activity was mixed with some doing fairly well others not. The barometer had been steady for the second day so some thought it would improve. I’m thinking as the snow skirts us to the southeast today that might be the change needed.

We dodged a bullet so to speak by not receiving another 8 inches or more of snow as they are predicting in SW Minnesota and Iowa for the weekend. We are going back into the cold which we need for ice making. Extra caution will be needed on the ice roads as the ice “cools” down after a week of moderate temperatures. Wheelhouse people be aware. Your rigs are the heaviest and need to be the “slowest” on the roads. With the colder weather forecast this coming week and most roads well established now by next weekend we should be over “the hump” with comfortable ice depths on the roads.

For this weekend because of the cooldown, we will remain With an individual vehicle weight limit of 7500lbs. Combined vehicle/wheelhouse limit of 12,000lbs. (If you don’t know what your rig weighs you should find out.) I will change weight restrictions out of our access as the cold continues and roads improve, more than likely this coming week. Only Paid Seasonal wheelhouse customers will be allowed out of our access this weekend. Tuesday- Jan18th- 7:00 am we will start our “Weekend Wheelhouse” reservation list. There will be only a limited number this year due to the large increase of Seasonal Wheelhouse customers that are here already, so if interested call early.

Permanent customers, I will say this one last time. For years everyone that left told the office the next time they were coming. The last two years when I’ve been in there I have told you to call 24 hours before arrival. Too many times it’s been noted for arrival, we plow a driveway or drill and then we get a call that you're not coming. I had to organize a daily schedule for work and so that is how it’s going to go. Once you call, we do the work, you get billed.

A change for wheelhouse customers also. Due to the snow depths and time it takes, starting Monday January 17th. Spots plowed for parking wheelhouses will be $25.00/spot. (within 150 feet off our established roads.) If it is a “requested” spot farther than 150 feet off the roads, it will be more and charged at driver that plows it discretion.

Keep a Tight Line! Eddy
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