Lyback's Daily Lake Mille Lacs Blog Update


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Lyback's Ice Fishing shares their daily Mille Lacs update and fishing report.

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Mille Lacs Ice Fishing Update January 13th,2022

The warmer weather and barometer have seemed to improve the bite. Got quite a few reports from fishermen. Most Walleye caught were small and way under the slot. As well as with the Perch. A few “keepers” were reported.

The warmer weather has settled the snow some, but we are not making any ice except on the roads. With 14-16 inches there is some flooding almost everywhere you go. When spotting houses we plow off a large area and expose the ice so the cold gets to it. We also have the permanent customers shovel a small hole in the banking on each end when they leave to allow the cold to get under the house. It helps..

Until the weather gets colder we will remain with a 12,000lb combined vehicle/wheelhouse weight restriction for our Paid Seasonal customers. A 7500lb single vehicle weight. Next week we will be starting our “weekend wheelhouse” list on Tuesday, Jan. 18th at 7:00 am. Call to get on it as we take a limited amount only.

We will have the permanent houses that need to be out on the ice today for the weekend and the office will inform you. Any seasonal wheelhouse customer/permanent house MUST call 24 hours in advance for a plowed spots. Driveways, drilling and stove starts for permanents. If you don’t within 24hr the charges will be double normal cost. Portable access fees for vehicles are $15.00/calendar day you use our access. If you park another vehicle on shore in our lot and ride with someone else , or portabling with a snowmobile/ wheeler, you will be paying $10.00 and have to have a tag given when they pay displayed in window in the lot before going thru our access.
Keep a Tight LIne! Eddy

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