Rocky Reef Resort shares their Mille Lacs Lake update and report.
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#icefishing #icefishingmillelacs #dothelake #supportthelake #millelacs #lakemillelacs #millelacslake #minnesotafishing #walleye #perch #rockyreefresort
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Well, it's finally official my hard water friends after a week of hard work and battling just about everything mother nature could throw at us to stop us from hitting our main home fishing spots, from cracking and having to move major main roads after completing them to ice fields that we had to jackhammer and chop thru.
We finally reached Indian Point and the rock humps! So we are now at full steam ahead with our 16-lane roads for the hard water season here at Rocky Reef Resort! We did allow all traffic last wknd, but being as we were short-handed and low on room, we did not make a post. I do apologize for not posting, but we worked day and night to get our season underway from our roads to our fishing grounds, ready for our customers. That's right, friends, we are allowing ALL traffic and vehicles to all of our spots!! Indian point, rock humps 1 and 2, Sunken island, Anderson's reef, and Rocky Reef!
We are sitting with an average of 15 inches to as much as 22 inches on our roads. I want to give a big thank you to the friends who stepped up in this tough season from helping us chop and jackhammer ice chunks to pushing slush off of active cracks and plowing roads. You guys are all rock stars and we appreciate your help more than you know! If you have any questions please contact us at the resort. We will be working on side roads out at Indian Point and Rock Hump 1 tomorrow, preparing for the wknd. As far as spots for your houses, some may be free and already in place while others may cost 20 dollars.
Our plow guys have been getting a butt-kicking, and their truck and equipment abused, so new spots and/or special spots may require a fee... We really hope to see you this wknd! We will be posting pictures of fish caught last week and road maps tomorrow. Thank you all for your patience. And we can't wait to spend another hard water season with you here at Rocky Reef Resort!!!
#icefishing #icefishingmillelacs #dothelake #supportthelake #millelacs #lakemillelacs #millelacslake #minnesotafishing #walleye #perch #rockyreefresort