Tutts Bait And Tackle has plenty of shiners for Mille Lacs anglers.
Help support Mille Lacs Lake local businesses such as Tutt's Bait and Tackle by sharing, liking, and renting from them! Give them a call at (320) 692-4477
#icefishing #icefishingmillelacs #dothelake #supportthelake #millelacs #lakemillelacs #millelacslake #minnesotafishing #walleye #perch #tuttsbaitandtackle
Help support Mille Lacs Lake local businesses such as Tutt's Bait and Tackle by sharing, liking, and renting from them! Give them a call at (320) 692-4477
#icefishing #icefishingmillelacs #dothelake #supportthelake #millelacs #lakemillelacs #millelacslake #minnesotafishing #walleye #perch #tuttsbaitandtackle