Lake Mille Lacs Regulations for Fishing – Summer of 2019

Summer is here, and walleye fishing on Lake Mille Lacs is in full swing and pretty good from local reports. With the good, come the regulations. The 2019 Mille Lacs fishing regulations are enforced and Ice Fishing Mille Lacs her then here for you.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has issued the following special regulations for the summer of 2019.

Current 2019 Lake Mille Lacs MN DNR Special Regulations

Mille Lacs has special fishing regulations that differ from statewide or border water regulations for those species identified below and take precedence.

  • Large mouth and Small mouth Bass:
    • Angling seasons follow statewide regulations. The possession limit is three combined, with only one greater than 21 inches. All bass from 17 to 21 inches must be immediately released.
  • Northern Pike:
    • Beginning May 11 through November 30, 2019, the possession limit for northern pike is five. All northern pike in possession must be less than 30″ in length, except one over 40″ is allowed in possession. All northern pike from 30″ to 40″, inclusive, must be immediately returned to the water. Beginning December 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020, the possession limit is five, with only one northern pike over 30″ allowed in possession, provided that the angler, on the same day, has also harvested two northern pikes less than 30″ in length from Lake Mille Lacs prior to harvesting a northern pike over 30″.
  • Tullibee (Cisco):
    • Possession limit 10.
  • Walleye: Beginning May 11 through May 31, 2019, the possession limit for walleye is one. All walleye in possession must be from 21″ to 23″ in length, inclusive, or over 28″ in length. All walleye less than 21″ or greater than 23″ in length must be immediately released, except that one over 28″ allowed in possession. Beginning June 1 through November 30, 2019, angling for walleye is limited to catch-and-release only; all walleye caught must be immediately released.
  • No culling or live-well sorting:
    • Fish taken into possession are considered part of an angler’s bag limit and cannot be exchanged with another fish. However, when the season for bass is open, small mouth bass and large mouth bass may be culled following statewide culling rules.
  • Night Closure:
    • Effective 10 p.m. on May 13 through 11:59 p.m. on November 30
    • From May 13 through May 31, no fishing for any species from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
    • From June 1 through November 30, no fishing from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. except for species and methods listed below:
    • Muskellunge and northern pike may be targeted with artificial lures longer than 8 inches or sucker minnows longer than 8 inches. While fishing during the night closure, you may not possess or target any species other than muskellunge or northern pike.
    • Bow fishing for rough fish – You may not possess angling equipment while bow fishing and only rough fish may be in possession.
    • Beginning December 1, 2019, and continuing through the remainder of winter, the restriction on night angling is lifted. A person may angle for fish at any time.

[/mk_blockquote][vc_empty_space height=”45px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1560907646672{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Well, there you have it anglers. Now, reviews the Mille Lacs fishing regulations 2019.

To recap the above 2019 Walleye Specific Regulations:

  • The Mille Lacs walleye limit for the summer of 2019 is ONE.

  • Walleyes in possession need to be from 21 inches to 23 inches, or over 28 inches.

  • The big news is from June 1 until November 30 walleyes on Lake Mille Lacs are catch and release only.

  • No culling or live well dipping. Once the walleye goes on the stringer or in the live well, that walleye is yours and cannot go back in the lake.

When it comes to the five stages of grief and loss, I would say the Minnesota Mille Lacs angler is about stage five, acceptance. It is what it is, and there is not much anyone can do about it. I would have to assume that Minnesota anglers are starting to get used to such steep Lake Mille Lacs fishing regulations.

Our recommendation is to plan a trip to Mille Lacs, head north on highways 169, 47, or 65, and have yourself some good old fashion summer lake country fun. While you are up here, try your hand at some catch and release walleye fishing. Hire a Mille Lacs Lake Fishing Guide. It will still be good memories and fun experience.